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- Short: The BEST Anim/Image-Processor Bonus
- Author: Andreas Maschke (WK-Artworks)
- Uploader: eksec@eure.de (Andreas Kuessner)
- Type: biz/demo
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- WildfireA.lha includes the ABSOLUTELY needed files.
- You need this archive for running WF!
- WildfireB.lha includes the example pictures, the thumbnails and
- some of the transitions.
- This archive is NOT needed but recommended!!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- For any questions concerning Wildfire contact:
- eksec@eure.de (Andreas Kuessner)
- This is the first preview of the soon comming commercial Wildfire
- version 4.00!
- It`ll be released on CD including lots of examples and animations.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation:
- Just decrunch the archive, go inside the Wildfire Directory
- and double-click on the `Assign_WF` icon.
- Afterwards double-click on the `WF` icon and enjoy!
- Press HELP inside the program for the online-documentation.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- You miss some features? You want some other goodies inside Wildfire?
- You have Problems running Wildfire? You want to know more about the
- extra features of the commercial Versions?
- So just contact me:
- Andreas Küssner
- Marrinksweg 5
- 48531 Nordhorn
- Tel.: 05921/330420 (18-20 o`clock weekdays)
- email: eksec@eure.de
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Restriction of the demoversion:
- -A Wildfire-Logo is applied to every image generated
- by the Processor
- -The Converter can only be used in combination with
- the Processor (Processor=Enabled). (This assures that
- all animations created by the program are "equipped" with
- the Logo, too.)
- -example transitions are only supplied for the
- -blackhole
- -displace
- -fade
- -perspective
- effect. (See the example mode of the transition maker)
- Now it's possible for you to test out all features - even
- complicated effects. The only missing function is the "fast
- Converter-mode" (without rendering). But you have NOT to convert
- lots of animations to decide if the program is worth
- bying. In fact, it is.
- To mention it explicitly: The Converter does NOTHING if the
- "Processor"-option is set to "Disabled".
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to order:
- Wildfire will be available soon through a commercial distributor. Read the
- news sections of your Amiga Magazines to find out more or just
- contact eksec@eure.de for the latest details.
- It`ll come on a CD with lots of examples.
- Registered Users of the Shareware Version will get a special discount
- when they buy the commercial version. For the special conditions send
- a short email to eksec@eure.de and include your registration number.
- There will be two different Versions:
- - WF 4.0 Amiga native
- - WF 4.0 Amiga PPC
- Probably there will be special Versions for:
- - WF 4.0 Amiga Movieshop
- - WF 4.0 Draco
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wildfire - where dreams become virtuality
- A Special Effect Program and many more
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wildfire is not only another brandnew image-processing-program -
- it's a professional animation-processor with some really new concepts.
- It allows you for example the creation and processing of animations in
- several formats, the generation of time-dependant special-effects
- and the design of large projects containing several animations and
- frame-synchronized sound-effects.
- Because the common animation-formats on the Amiga have too many
- lacks or restrictions we have tried to create a better one: YAFA.
- This animation-format for example features many compression-methods
- and realtime-zooming.
- One of the outstanding features of Wildfire is the fact that it
- makes for you no difference if you apply changes to a whole animation
- or if you process only one image. A single image is only a
- very special case of an animation.
- In contrary to common image-processors you can use envelopes instead
- of plain numbers as effect-parameters. This makes the creation
- of complicated time-dependant special-effects very easy.
- So you haven't to fight against the "do"-loops in an ARexx-script to
- get an animation outside your image-processor any more.
- All of the numerous effects can be arranged in any number and
- combination. Because the output of any of these effects can be
- one of the 8 "flat" or 4 3D-temp-buffers Wildfire allows you to
- perform "impossible" operations easily and in a very comfortable way !
- Main Features:
- -fast and comfortable Converter:
- input: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, mpeg, image-sequences
- output: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, image-sequences
- -preview for almost any operation (including realtime previews)
- -Project-Editor which allows the creation of large and complicated
- projects easily using the mouse
- -effect-generator featuring time-dependant parameters via envelopes
- -a stunning library of effect-PlugIns (about 80)
- -some really unique effects
- -3D-engine with multiple lightsources and phong-shading
- -superposition of 3D-effects (PowerPlugs!)
- -superposition of Lightwave-objects and images in the
- threedimensional space
- -(un)loading of PlugIns at any time
- -Envelope-Editor
- -Timecodes-Editor
- -Transition-Maker for easy creation of transitions between two animations
- -easy-to-use Player-interface
- -Filmstrips to simplify the perfect timimg of huge projects
- -AnimInfo-function displaying size-profiles etc.
- -fontsensitive GUI without MUI
- -internal gadget-toolbox which handles mathematical expressions
- instead of only plain numbers
- -calculator which allows for example the export of user-defined symbols
- to the gadgets in the whole-program
- -Drag&Go
- (using drag.gadget 1.0 beta Copyright © 1997 Jörg Kollmann,
- see bonus drawer!)
- -ARexx-port with about 400 commands
- -macros, custom-windows, docks
- -import of images from other programs
- -Developer-Kit which allows you to create your own effect-PlugIns
- -and many more
- Requirements:
- Hardware
- -MC68020 or higher with FPU
- -AGA chipset or GFX-Card
- -2 MB Fast
- -recommended: FastRAM, HardDisk
- Software
- -AmigaOS V39 (3.0) or higher
- Have fun !
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 15472 7931 48.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +MiniSwirl.iff
- 170 129 24.1% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +DW2-Transitions
- 22439 22439 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +CyberYAFA.lha
- 60012 60012 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +draggadget.lha
- 36332 36332 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +psmp_1.0.lha
- 10589 10589 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +truview.lha
- 24 24 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +3x3.conv
- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +.dummy
- 3327 3178 4.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Add.pic
- 4573 4421 3.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Alpha.pic
- 3190 3042 4.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Antique.pic
- 4483 4400 1.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Axis3D.pic
- 6926 6883 0.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Balancing.pic
- 3798 3744 1.4% 01-Aug-97 20:17:38 +BGradient.pic
- 3379 3229 4.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +BlackHole.pic
- 4971 4823 2.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Bump.pic
- 6674 6595 1.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Bump3D.pic
- 3738 3589 3.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Cartesian2Polar.pic
- 5440 5384 1.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Circle.pic
- 6057 5984 1.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ColorCube.pic
- 5466 5430 0.6% 12-Aug-97 21:07:16 +ColorRegion.pic
- 3230 3074 4.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ColorToGray.pic
- 5522 5378 2.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Compose.pic
- 6451 6306 2.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Convolve.pic
- 1683 1482 11.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +CreateImage.pic
- 3053 2992 1.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Cube.pic
- 4636 4549 1.8% 03-Aug-97 13:37:16 +DataPlot.pic
- 2723 2649 2.7% 03-Aug-97 17:51:26 +Default.pic
- 5851 5678 2.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Displace.pic
- 8631 8584 0.5% 03-Aug-97 15:38:24 +DLA.pic
- 5465 5387 1.4% 12-Aug-97 21:08:40 +EdgeDetect.pic
- 6349 6200 2.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Emboss.pic
- 3537 3388 4.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Flip.pic
- 8273 8208 0.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Genlock3D.pic
- 3335 3160 5.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +GSImport.pic
- 3002 2925 2.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Join3D.pic
- 6382 6332 0.7% 11-Aug-97 23:35:42 +LineArt.pic
- 4351 4200 3.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +LUT.pic
- 2949 2867 2.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +LWOB.pic
- 3353 3203 4.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Magnet.pic
- 3820 3723 2.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Magnet3D.pic
- 4618 4546 1.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Morph.pic
- 2889 2740 5.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +MotionBlur.pic
- 3539 3386 4.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Negative.pic
- 3305 3238 2.0% 03-Aug-97 15:37:48 +Neon.pic
- 4912 4751 3.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Noise.pic
- 3949 3795 3.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +OilTransfer.pic
- 5316 5198 2.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ParPlot.pic
- 3631 3563 1.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Perspective.pic
- 7158 6628 7.4% 03-Aug-97 15:39:38 +Pixelize.pic
- 5926 5782 2.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Plasma.pic
- 7184 7022 2.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Posterise.pic
- 4402 1381 68.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Add.process
- 4380 1395 68.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Alpha.process
- 4061 1251 69.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Antique.process
- 7735 1891 75.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Axis3D.process
- 4460 1369 69.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Balancing.process
- 4451 1377 69.0% 01-Aug-97 20:17:32 +BGradient.process
- 4183 1316 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +BlackHole.process
- 4332 1394 67.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Bump.process
- 5687 1795 68.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Bump3D.process
- 4130 1289 68.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Cartesian2Polar.process
- 4453 1378 69.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Circle.process
- 7282 1977 72.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ColorCube.process
- 4447 1353 69.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ColorRegion.process
- 4135 1294 68.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ColorToGray.process
- 4883 1558 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Compose.process
- 4192 1304 68.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Convolve.process
- 4329 1362 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +CreateImage.process
- 4933 1557 68.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Cube.process
- 7278 1995 72.5% 03-Aug-97 13:37:08 +DataPlot.process
- 5611 1777 68.3% 03-Aug-97 17:51:24 +Default.process
- 3678 1164 68.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Displace.process
- 3751 1195 68.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +DLA.process
- 3880 1195 69.2% 12-Aug-97 21:07:52 +EdgeDetect.process
- 3619 1131 68.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Emboss.process
- 3610 1125 68.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Flip.process
- 8442 2173 74.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Genlock3D.process
- 5184 1601 69.1% 03-Aug-97 13:28:24 +GSImport.process
- 9829 2070 78.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Join3D.process
- 3780 1162 69.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +LineArt.process
- 4528 1300 71.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +LUT.process
- 5495 1730 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +LWOB.process
- 3735 1188 68.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Magnet.process
- 4956 1585 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Magnet3D.process
- 8194 1977 75.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Morph.process
- 3655 1148 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +MotionBlur.process
- 3610 1124 68.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Negative.process
- 4862 1555 68.0% 03-Aug-97 15:37:42 +Neon.process
- 3681 1163 68.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Noise.process
- 3633 1139 68.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +OilTransfer.process
- 7333 2020 72.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ParPlot.process
- 4806 1509 68.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Perspective.process
- 4004 1280 68.0% 03-Aug-97 15:39:34 +Pixelize.process
- 3945 1262 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Plasma.process
- 3629 1136 68.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Posterise.process
- 3607 1123 68.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Raster.process
- 4465 1384 69.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Rectangle.process
- 4161 1305 68.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ReplaceComp.process
- 3652 1148 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Roll.process
- 3738 1184 68.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Rotate.process
- 3717 1180 68.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +RotateBlur.process
- 6660 1829 72.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +SetColor.process
- 3755 1201 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Shear.process
- 3737 1193 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ShiftLines.process
- 4826 1528 68.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Sphere.process
- 3616 1126 68.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +SwapRGB.process
- 4508 1478 67.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Text.process
- 3633 1137 68.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Threshold.process
- 4498 1357 69.8% 03-Aug-97 15:35:20 +TileBrick.process
- 6321 1723 72.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Transform3D.process
- 6696 1823 72.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Triangulate.process
- 3759 1200 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twirl.process
- 7559 1793 76.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twirl3D.process
- 4917 1573 68.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twist.process
- 5047 1628 67.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Water.process
- 3877 1248 67.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wave.process
- 5055 1620 67.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wave3D.process
- 4391 1343 69.4% 06-Aug-97 22:45:18 +Wind.process
- 4904 1579 67.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wrap.process
- 7275 1979 72.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ZPlot.process
- 9415 5764 38.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Raster.pic
- 4941 4893 0.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Rectangle.pic
- 2820 2617 7.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ReplaceComp.pic
- 3708 3557 4.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Roll.pic
- 3814 3665 3.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Rotate.pic
- 3189 3039 4.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +RotateBlur.pic
- 2919 2836 2.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +SetColor.pic
- 3349 3199 4.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Shear.pic
- 5315 5160 2.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ShiftLines.pic
- 2333 2261 3.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Sphere.pic
- 3573 3423 4.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +SwapRGB.pic
- 2908 2754 5.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Text.pic
- 4962 4730 4.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Threshold.pic
- 8294 8245 0.5% 03-Aug-97 15:36:32 +TileBrick.pic
- 2354 2257 4.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Transform3D.pic
- 5181 5137 0.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Triangulate.pic
- 3475 3328 4.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twirl.pic
- 3400 3336 1.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twirl3D.pic
- 3824 3764 1.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Twist.pic
- 4849 4781 1.4% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Water.pic
- 4621 4404 4.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wave.pic
- 4488 4441 1.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wave3D.pic
- 5946 5906 0.6% 06-Aug-97 22:45:20 +Wind.pic
- 3252 3133 3.6% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Wrap.pic
- 7208 7156 0.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +ZPlot.pic
- 6980 6384 8.5% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +cubeMagnet.pic
- 9785 9201 5.9% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +cubeTransformTwirl1.pic
- 10136 9590 5.3% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +cubeTransformTwirl2.pic
- 8409 7924 5.7% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +cubeWave1.pic
- 9362 8961 4.2% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +cubeWave2.pic
- 9221 8778 4.8% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +magnetCubeTransform.pic
- 7286 6582 9.6% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +magnetSphere.pic
- 9286 8883 4.3% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +magnetWrap.pic
- 11994 11729 2.2% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +multiMagnet.pic
- 7767 7060 9.1% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +multiWrap1.pic
- 9346 8805 5.7% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +multiWrap2.pic
- 4305 1392 67.6% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +bump3D.process
- 7654 1438 81.2% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +composeAll_01.process
- 7698 1459 81.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +composeAll_02.process
- 8939 1875 79.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +composeAll_03.process
- 6432 1494 76.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +Cow.process
- 5245 1370 73.8% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeMagnet.process
- 6628 1464 77.9% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeTransformTwirl1.process
- 5724 1647 71.2% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeTransformTwirl2.process
- 6893 1615 76.5% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeTwist.process
- 5347 1425 73.3% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeWave1.process
- 5612 1507 73.1% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +cubeWave2.process
- 6271 1772 71.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +magnetCubeTransform.process
- 5137 1331 74.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +magnetSphere.process
- 7720 1448 81.2% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +MagnetWrap.process
- 6512 1347 79.3% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +multiMagnet.process
- 5078 1549 69.4% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +multiWrap1.process
- 5073 1526 69.9% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +multiWrap2.process
- 5789 1578 72.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +parPlot1.process
- 5270 1440 72.6% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +Porsche.process
- 5143 1586 69.1% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +sphereTransform.process
- 5621 1646 70.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +sphereTwirlMagnet.process
- 5243 1610 69.2% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +transformTwist.process
- 4096 1311 67.9% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +water.process
- 5117 1611 68.5% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +waterCube.process
- 5463 1370 74.9% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +waves.process
- 5233 1370 73.8% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +waveSphere.process
- 5324 1421 73.3% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +waveWrap.process
- 5322 1416 73.3% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +wrapWave.process
- 5761 1582 72.5% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +zPlot1.process
- 7914 7384 6.6% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +sphereTransform.pic
- 7692 7142 7.1% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +sphereTwirlMagnet.pic
- 8336 7671 7.9% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +transformTwist.pic
- 9871 9226 6.5% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +waterCube.pic
- 15535 15379 1.0% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +waves.pic
- 8190 7602 7.1% 07-May-97 21:24:20 +waveSphere.pic
- 9348 8744 6.4% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +waveWrap.pic
- 8559 7833 8.4% 07-May-97 21:24:22 +wrapWave.pic
- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +.dummy
- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +.dummy
- 3002 1199 60.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Amigaguide.info
- 3067 1021 66.7% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Animation.info
- 3074 1433 53.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +drawer.info
- 3002 1155 61.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Image.info
- 2411 1361 43.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Amigaguide.info
- 2495 1321 47.0% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Animation.info
- 3401 1477 56.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +drawer.info
- 2282 1265 44.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Image.info
- 2147 1212 43.5% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Text.info
- 12057 4588 61.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +wf.info
- 3726 1715 53.9% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +YAFA.info
- 3519 1253 64.3% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +yp.info
- 107 95 11.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +README
- 2997 1040 65.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +Text.info
- 10260 4629 54.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +wf.info
- 3408 1368 59.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +YAFA.info
- 3060 1229 59.8% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +yp.info
- 2128 1402 34.1% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +xpkFAST.library
- 3296 1975 40.0% 26-Apr-96 22:53:40 +xpkNUKE.library
- 13456 7506 44.2% 31-Jul-97 20:08:10 +xpkMaster.library
- 41853 41853 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +motivation.jpg
- 69897 69897 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +motivation2.jpg
- 131328 131328 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +motivation3.jpg
- 37560 37560 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +PowerPlugs!_01.jpg
- 34342 34342 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +PowerPlugs!_02.jpg
- 44967 44967 0.0% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +PowerPlugs!_03.jpg
- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +.dummy
- 92504 48976 47.0% 16-Aug-97 11:44:14 +A.film
- 92504 46174 50.0% 16-Aug-97 11:45:18 +B.film
- 92504 48062 48.0% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_blackhole_A.film
- 92504 20145 78.2% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_blackhole_AB.film
- 92504 49259 46.7% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_displace_A.film
- 92504 49054 46.9% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_displace_AB.film
- 92504 49031 46.9% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_fade.film
- 92504 47751 48.3% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_hDownA.film
- 92504 32358 65.0% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_hDownAB.film
- 92504 48516 47.5% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_hUpA.film
- 92504 32087 65.3% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_hUpAB.film
- 92504 51425 44.4% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_vLeftA.film
- 92504 38022 58.8% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_vLeftAB.film
- 92504 51277 44.5% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_vRightA.film
- 92504 37901 59.0% 12-Aug-97 21:52:34 +c_perspective_vRightAB.film
- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +.dummy
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- 74 69 6.7% 31-Jul-97 20:10:52 +.dummy
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